Perfecting the Teacher Resume

The “to-do’s” and “not-to-do’s” when writing a teacher resume.


  1. The Header
  2. Education
  3. Teaching Experience
  4. College Experience
  5. Related Experience
  6. Skills
  7. References


Depending on how many years you have been teaching, your teacher resume may be able to fill ten pages page or one line, but by picking and choosing the best parts, you can make it look appealing to any future administration!

Teacher resume on a laptop

The Header


The most important part of a resume is your name and contact information! No matter if an employer likes you or not, if they can’t get in contact with you, it’s no good! I personally make my name bold with my phone number, email, and Linked-In profile below. Choose a font that is easy to read and keep it the same throughout the resume for a consistent, clean look.

The quote is not necessary, just a fun addition if you want to get fancy with it. I personally have always based my teaching mantra on that Benjamin Franklin quote so I felt it was important to include it in my resume.

Ashley Burger
(555) 123-4567
linked-in profile

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” – Benjamin Franklin




Show off your knowledge! Make sure to include the date of graduation and any additional certificates or endorsements you earned.

Flagler College                                                                      Date
Elementary Education, B.A.
Exceptional Student Education, B.A.
Reading and ESOL endorsed


Teaching Experience


Here, you want to include the county, school, grade levels, and dates. If you are a new teacher, this would be a great place to put your internship experience!

Teaching Experience
County – School                                                                    Date
Grade Level(s)

County – School                                                                    Date
Grade Level(s)


College Experience


At Flagler College, we had to do what we called “practicums” from our first semester of graduate level coursework. Each semester, we had to spend time at a different type of school in a different grade level. Your school might be different, but make sure to include any experiences you had outside of your college classroom to show your variety of knowledge!

College Experience
County – School                                                                                             Date
Kindergarten – Internship

County – School                                                                                             Date
6th – 12th Self Contained – Practicum


Related Experience


Now you can include any teaching-related experience you may have had! This can include any jobs or volunteering experiences related to the position you are hoping for.

Personally, I have worked as a 4th-grade tutor, a summer camp instructor at the Orlando Science Center, and an Activity Leader with an elementary extended day program. I have also worked as a waitress and a jewelry counter consultant but those don’t relate to the job I am hoping for so I don’t include them in my resume.

Related Experience
Orlando Science Center                                                                                  Date
Summer Camp Instructor

County – School                                                                                             Date
Extended Day Activity Leader




This is the part where you can brag a bit about yourself! What digital education programs have you used? What curriculum are you experienced in? Show off a bit!


  • Able to organize, plan, and prioritize work
  • Highly adaptable
  • Able to effectively manage student behavior
  • Able to work effectively in a team environment
  • Proficient with various classroom technology including ActivInspire, EasiNote, BeeBots, Scratch, DocCam, Osmo, and interactive screens such as SmartBoard, Promethean, and EPSON
  • Proficient with curriculum including Wonders Reading, FastTrack Phonics, KinderRoots, iReady, GoMath, Florida Studies, ScienceFusion, Getting Along Together, and AIMS Web Science




And finally, your references! One thing I have found when speaking to administrators is they are very busy pretty much year-round. Giving them a resume that says “references upon request” is not appealing to someone who will have to contact you back and then hunt down your former mentor teachers or employers. By including your references initially, you are saving them a step.

As an experienced teacher, including former administrators is a great idea! But for a new teacher, I highly recommend including a former employer, your internship teacher, and either a professor you liked or the principal of the school you interned at if you were able to build a relationship with that principal.

It’s generally a good idea to include 3 references with multiple ways of making contact. Of course, you will want to make sure to reach out to your references first to request their permission to include their contact information on your resume, but your future employer will appreciate your thoroughness!


Name                                                                                                  Location
Job Title


By the time I am completely done, my resume fills a page and a half. Generally, you want between 1-2 pages so your resume shows off your strengths without being over or underwhelming.

Hopefully this helps you as you continue to grow as an educator! If you would like to read about my administrator’s suggestions for how to answer questions during a teacher interview, you can find them here!

Have any more resume tips questions that could help other teachers? I would love to hear about them! Leave a comment below or message me @MyJuniorBurgers on Instagram!


Want more tips for landing the job? You can find them here!


-Ms. Burger

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